
Merchant Navy

         The Merchant Navy mainly deals with transporting (Cargo, Oil, Gas, Car, Etc) occasionally passengers by sea. It has different fleets composed of passenger liners, cargo vessel, Tankers, Bulk carriers, Car carrier, Containers as well as the other special types of vessels. Merchant Navy is the backbone of international trade, Carrying cargo across the globe for Import & Export business.



The starting salary of crews varies between Rs 15,000 to Rs 45,000 a month. A person gets a variety of benefits such as free food, accommodation, paid leave, two-way free passage and facilities for families. In other words, the salary can be saved totally while one is on the ship. The perquisites include bonus, holiday travel and other annual benefits. Foreign companies pay higher, and a starting salary to officers varies from $ 1,500 to $ 12,500. Salary can be expected more. Since the job involves going abroad for extended periods, one can take advantage of becoming an NRI and earn tax-free income.



These Modular Courses are compulsory for joining sea services.

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